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Spotlight on Tuscany

In het kort:

Discover the rolling hills of Tuscany, home to sprawling vineyards, charming medieval hill towns, and enchanting cities. Savor a 7-night stay in Montecatini Terme, the famous resort and spa town. Visit Pisa, Florence, and San Gimignano, nestled in the Ita...

9 Dagen
Volgend vertrek
± EUR 1.657,00
Prijs per dag
± EUR 184,00
Tour Type

  • Overzicht
  • Datums en Details
  • Kaart, Bestemmingen
  • Collette
Spotlight on Tuscany
tour categorytour categorytour categorytour category

In het kort

Discover the rolling hills of Tuscany, home to sprawling vineyards, charming medieval hill towns, and enchanting cities. Savor a 7-night stay in Montecatini Terme, the famous resort and spa town. Visit Pisa, Florence, and San Gimignano, nestled in the Italian countryside. Discover the charming town of Lucca, Italy’s best-kept secret. Learn about the heroic deeds of WWII at remains of the Gothic Line and visit the Museum of Liberation. Enjoy free time to explore the cultural treasures of Florence. Partake in a Tuscan cooking class. Sample cheese at the farm where it is made. Enjoy fabulous local wines and the region’s famous cuisine. Steeped in history, culture and legend, this is Tuscany as you always imagined it.

Map: Spotlight on Tuscany (Collette)

Dagprogramma / Reisroute

Dag 1
Overnight Flight
Dag 2
Montecatini Terme, Italy - Tour Begins
Dag 3
Lucca - Borgo A Mozzano - Gothic Line
Dag 4
Dag 5
Montecatini Terme
Dag 6
Dag 7
Montecatini Terme
Dag 8
Cheese Farm Visit - San Gimignano
Dag 9
Montecatini Terme - Tour Ends

Reisbestemmingen (6): Cinque Terre, Florence, Lucca, Montecatini Terme, Pisa, Siena



  • Montecatini Terme
  • Lucca


  • Gothic Line
  • Winery Tour


  • Florence


  • Choice on Tour: Montecatini Walking Tour or Siena


  • Pisa


  • Cooking Class
  • Cheese Farm


  • San Gimignano

In prijs inbegrepen


  • Sample delectable wines during a wine tasting at a local farm.
  • Spend time at a cheese farm to taste flavorful pecorino cheese.
  • Learn about Tuscan cuisine during a cooking class.


  • See the Gothic Line, one of the Germans’ last lines of defense during WWII.
  • Retrace the steps of ancient pilgrims as they crossed the Devil’s Bridge in the Serchio Valley.

Optioneel, niet inbegrepen

Cinque Terre: Day Trip to Cinque Terre

  • Spend a glorious day exploring the unique Cinque Terre. You’ll discover a magical land nestled between the mountains and the Mediterranean that is nearly inaccessible. Travel by rail and boat,* past terraced vineyards and stunning panoramas on your way to a string of colorful fishing villages that sit along the area’s breathtaking, rugged coastline. Savor the charms of this special place with a local guide who will help you explore some of the delightful towns of the area. Hear tales of the region’s past and present as you come to know why the Cinque Terre National Park has been named a UNESCO World Heritage site. This is the perfect way to spend your day – feeling like you have stepped into a postcard. Duration approximately 8 hour(s). Transportation is included. A minimum of 10 passenger(s) is required to operate this option.

    *Boat trip is seasonal. When a boat is not available, travel will be by rail only.



Komend uit


Je reisbestemming


Montecatini Terme

Arrow Going To

Montecatini Terme

GroepsreisDit is een georganiseerde groepsreis: het reisplan is door de reisoperator vastgelegd. De reisbestemmingen, duur, overnachtingen, vertrekdatums en prijs zijn fix. Je kunt je aanmelden, meedoen, genieten en andere reizigers ontmoeten.

Reis variaties

Picture:Spotlight on Northern Italy

Spotlight on Northern Italy (9 Dagen)

Unpack once and take in the vineyards, villas, peaks, and prosecco of Veneto. Settle into a suburban villa nearby Treviso, the historic mainland outpost for the island-city of Venice. Savor the Venetian inspiration on terrafirma, solid ground, so you have...

Volgend vertrek: 19-jul-2024
Vanaf: ± EUR 2.256,00

Lidmaatschappen en financiële bescherming

USTOA Abta Tour Care

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